School Year of Core
School Year of Core
A School-Year of Core Words-Level 1 is a compilation of 161 words and some pre-programmed phrases found on many Speech Generating Devices (SGD’s)/AAC apps with semantic targets organized on a monthly basis within a school-year. Some months have fewer words due to vacation(s). Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, (and some words/phrases may not be available on the communication system), but such items were selected based on a variety of underlying principles of language development and the use of communication functions, previous year of core vocabulary choices and posts, (in PrAACtical AAC), topics in school, holidays and themes.
SYOC - Older student lessons
After we completed the SYOC Original Resource, (geared towards a younger population), we found that many of our older students and adult learners also needed this structured support to build an understanding and use of core words to express diverse communication functions, interact with others, self-regulate and self-advocate, etc. And so, alongside four phenomenal interns over the course of a school year, (2021-2022), the SYOC OSLs were brainstormed and created to meet the needs of a more underserved population of learners.
SYOC - Bilingüe
The School Year of Core-Bilingüe (SYOC-B) is the Spanish adaptation of the English School-Year of Core (SYOC), a series of resources for teaching core vocabulary words to children who use AAC. Since most bilingual children who use AAC are being educated by monolingual or English-dominant professionals, the instructions to use SYOC-B are presented in English, while models and materials are in Spanish. The words are presented by month and accompanying materials to teach the target words are available for free.