Collaboration Across the Pacific (CAP) Academy: Sharing Technology and Skills for Serving Children with Disabilities and their Families
The CAP Academy is a partnership between the Nika Project, San Francisco State University (SF State), University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). The CAP Academy began in Spring 2021 as an idea to create virtual teams through ZOOM to support Teachers in the Navigating Student Success in the Pacific Project (NSSP) in their work with children and families in their island communities. Coordinated by the University of Hawai’i MCH LEND Program, the first CAP Academy was launched in Spring 2021 in a series of ZOOM meetings with a total of 62 participants including NSSP Teachers, MCH LEND and SF State Trainees and Faculty in seven teams. The CAP Academy Advanced Certificate program continued in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 with four teams with Pacific Teachers in the FSM states of Yap, Chuuk, and Pohnpei, SF State and University of Hawaii Trainees and faculty. Collaboration across many partners was key to development of the CAP Academy, including the College of the Marshall Islands NSSP Project, UHM MCH LEND Program and UHM Center on Disability Studies, San Francisco State University, the Nika Project and the FSM Special Education Division.
The design of the first CAP Academy centered on seven teams that included NSSP Teachers who selected two target children with disabilities and their families and shared profiles of the children with team members. The CAP Teams shared perspectives across disciplines and suggested strategies and resources in response to the needs of students and family priorities. Feedback from NSSP Teachers and Trainees showed reciprocal learning and will be included in the poster. Additionally, cloud-based tools including GOOGLE folders, Padlet, CoughDrop and low-tech communication tools including PicSeePals supported effective online collaboration across cultures.
Outcomes reported by NSSP Teachers, Faculty and Trainees led to the CAP Academy Advanced Certification Program in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. The Advanced CAP Academy was designed for 8 FSM Special Education Teachers and 12 Trainees in Hawai`i and 8 in California to learn across cultures, build relationships and apply Design Thinking in culturally-responsive resource development for children with disabilities and their families in the Pacific with a special focus on Autism and Neurodiversity. The journey continues.